Professional Supervision

Getting some distance and professional support to reflect on your practice is always beneficial. Professional supervision, or external supervision as it is sometimes known, is a collaborative, reflective process that supports those in the community services and health care sectors to debrief, reflect and grow in their practice. Whether in a direct client role, or a leadership position, professional supervision will help you take your practice and performance to the next level. Simply get in touch using the form below for an obligation-free chat to discuss your needs.


  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    Kate O’Sullivan

  • Fairlie is an exceptional supervisor: supportive, empathetic, and genuinely invested in her supervisees. Her broad knowledge and open-minded approach allow her to navigate and address the many intersections that impact every day work, from performance and workplace politics to issues of race, gender and systemic challenges. She provides thoughtful, constructive feedback and creates a space where supervisees feel understood and empowered.

    Nadia Faragaab

    Artist, Educator and Feminist

  • Fairlie provided a tailored approach that was responsive to my needs and goals. Opportunities were provided for learning, reflective practice, critical discussion and positioning myself in the work. Fairlie's approach created an environment for my growth both professionally and personally.

    Rowyn Williams

    Social Worker supporting young people with complex childhood trauma

  • Testimonial......

    Cameron Rock …


Please add your details and we will be in touch. Or feel free to call Fairlie directly on the mobile number below. The first step is assessing if it’s the right fit for your needs and Fairlie is always available for an obligation-free discussion. From there we will establish a reflective contract in our first session and have regular check-ins to ensure the supervision is meeting your needs.